Ensure synchronization between cloud and DIAP hardware

It may be required to push a configuration to a DIAP, if the DIAP has been offline while the cloud configuration has been done. Follow the guide below for this:

Press the configuration:

Select "DIAPs" in the menu:

Here you will have an overview of all the DIAPs present within the company you are logged into:

See under "Conn." - if a "" is present, then there is a difference between DIAP hardware and cloud.


- means that everything is configured correctly between the cloud and DIAP hardware. 

- appears, this means that the DIAP does not have the latest configuration - which means there are differences between DIAP hardware and cloud. This may be because the device was offline during the period when a new configuration was created. 

If you hold the mouse over, you will see more info: 


You can press "" button and do a "push" configuration to the device and make full synchronization between the devices. 

Once it has been pressed then the following pop-up will occur:

Press "Yes" and the configuration will be pushed to the DIAP hardware.