How to use Shift schedule


  • This guide describes how to use the Shift schedule. This site is used to plan, when a unit should be producing goods and its scheduled production time.

The Shift schedule site shows a calendar over a unit.

The shifts are represented by grey boxes.

A shift is represented by a period, where a unit is scheduled to be producing goods. This period also represents the period where the data is included in the OEE calculation. This can be found on other pages like OEE under Reports, and Production status under Views.

A period in the calendar for a unit that is not included in a shift (04:00-05:00 in the example).

Will be excluded in the OEE calculation (Used site Production status).

One can see the period that is excluded, as it is represented as a scheduled loss in the timeline graph.

This is because no production is scheduled for this period.


Go to the "Shift schedule" menu.

Create a shift

Select the unit.

There are 2 ways to create a shift.

  1. Double click calendar.
  2. Right click calendar.

Double click calendar.

Double click the hour, where you wish to create a shift.

A Schedule Details pop-up will be shown.

Provide the following:

Select Shift.

Select the shift type, which best describes the shift you are about to create.

Start of Schedule.

Select the start date and time of the shift (If it is not already correct, based on the date and time you double-clicked).

End of Schedule.

Select the end date and time of the shift.


This setting can make the shift repeat itself after the period set in Start of schedule and End of schedule.

  • Don't repeat.

    The shift doesn't repeat itself.
  • Hourly
    Hourly recurrence makes the shift repeat itself hourly

    You can set how many hours there are til the next shift.
  • Daily.
    Daily recurrence makes the shift repeat itself daily

    You can set how many days there are til the next shift.

     And when the repeat should end.

  • Weekly
    Weekly recurrence makes the shift repeat itself on days of the week.

    You can set how many weeks there are til the next shift.

    Which of the days in the week, the shift should occur.

     And when the repeat should end.
  • Monthly
    Monthly recurrence makes the shift repeat itself monthly.

    You can set how many months there are til the next shift.

    Which day of the mouth, the shift should occur.

     And when the repeat should end.
  • Yearly

    You can set how many years there are til the next shift.

    The date the shift should occur.

     And when the repeat should end.


You can add a comment to the shift.

Copy to Other Units.

You can select other units, that should have a copy of this shift.

When you are done, click "OK" to create the shift.

Now your shift for the unit is created and the period the shift covers is consisted in the scheduled production time for the unit.

Right click calendar

Right click the hour, where you wish to create a shift and select New Entry.

Fill out the information in the Schedule Details pop-up, just as shown in Double click calendar.

Duplicate Shifts

You can copy all the shifts from one unit to another unit.

Select the unit, which shifts you wish to copy.

Click the copy button.

In the pop-up, select the unit you wish to copy the shifts to (All the shifts that the unit already has will be removed).

Click "Duplicate".

A notification is shown, when the duplication is done.

Shift details

The information shown in the shift boxes are the following:

  • Shift's type. It is the shift type you selected.
  • Shift's start time. It is the start date time, you set in "Start of schedule".
  • Shift's end time. It is the end date time, you set in "End of Schedule".
  • Shift repeat. This icon is shown, if you have used a repeat.

Edit Shift

To edit a shift, double click.

A pop-up will be shown, where you can edit the shift you clicked or you can edit it and all the recurrence of it.

Delete a shift

To delete a shift, click it.

And click the trashcan icon.

Select if you want to delete series or delete entry.

Clicked "Delete entry":

Clicked "Delete series":

Calendar tools

Click "Day" to view per day.

Click the date to change it.

Click the date in the pop-up to go from selecting day to selecting month. Click again to select year and so on.

Click the year to select it, then click the month and last the day.

The orange line in the calendar shows the current time for the unit, in its given timezone (You can see the timezone under Units in Configuration).