How to split current stops on a unit


  • This guide describes how to split current stops on a unit.

Stops on a unit

The stops that you see on a unit are created from event servers or the break button.

An event server is a service that is processing the data for a unit. You can create an event server in the Configuration->Data source page:

And start or stop the event server in the Configuration->Data source page:

Event servers that can create a stop

The event server types  that can create a stop on a unit include the following (Note that they start with Stop in their name):

  • Stop bit
  • Stop bit with blinking
  • Stop Condition
  • Stop Code
  • Stop by code and when no production - ICT Dependent
  • Stop when no production
  • Stop when no production - ICT Dependent
  • Stop when no production, X Count before start
  • Stop when production too slow

Stops created from Break button

In the Views->Production status page:

One can setup a break button:

With this button one can create or end a break stop.

The stops created from the break stop button can't be split by the split stop button.


Setup the split stop button

Go to the Configuration->Units page:

Click the Show split stop button:

And select the events servers that should split their current stop when you click the split stop button (If you are unsure, then just select them all).

Click Save:

Use the split stop button

Go to the Views->Production status page:

Click the Configure button:

Check that the Show break button checkbox is not selected. If it is, then unselect it and click Apply:

Now the split stop button should be shown and ready for use:

When you click the Split stop button, the current stops on the selected event servers will be split:


Split stop button is not shown

The split stop button is not shown, if one or more of the following are true:

  • No event servers are selected.
  • The Show Break button is selected.