How to remove PLC (set as inactive)?

In this guide I will go through how to remove PLC, in order for it not being visible anymore.

Select the "Cogwheel"

 Select "DIAP"

 Choose which DIAP you would like to remove a PLC by pressing the menu button.

Select the "pencil" of the PLC you wish to remove.

A pop-up will occur. In the bottom of the pop-up the following can be found: 'Is Active'. Slide it to the left, if you wish to determine the PLC is not active anymore.

After having pressed the slider, then press the "Save changes"

Now the PLC will be removed / set as inactive.

How to get the inactive PLC shown once again?

Select "Settings"

Change the setting of 'Show hidden DIAPs, PLCs and Tags:' to "Yes"

Now the PLC will be shown once again, but still set as inactive.