10/11 2022 release: Configuration and Maintenance

A new version of the Configuration and Maintenance application has been released

    • Multiple updates to alarms notifications:
      • Possibility to subscribe to normalization event when the tag value returns to a normal value range
      • New styled e-mails for a triggered alarm and normalization

      • Newly styled e-mail instead of plain text messages for users’ creation, passwords reset.
    • Dot graph – a new type of graph presenting scattered points, which is sometimes the most appropriate visualization, depending on the series data. An additional item has been added to the chart selection dropdown list.

    • Support for Talk2M DMWeb API functionality for EWON tokens

    • Event log/annotations improvements: By ctrl-click on a point on the graph, the value from the chart is now a part of the event data, also presented in the event log grid. The value is optional for a manual event log entry.

    • Autosave for selecting the number of shown values in widgets and windows with this option. The settings are saved per view and per user/workstation, meaning that multiple users will have their selection on the same workstation, and one user can have different settings on different workstations.  

    • Import users – there’s new functionality to import users from Excel. It makes it easier to create multiple users.

    • Counter widget - Possibility to perform some basic arithmetic operations (+, -, * or /) over the counter value in all three different types of views.

    • Including alarms in the tag lookup functionality.
      There is a new option in the tag lookup functionality, which is enabled if the zoom level is no more than one month. The chart will display all the alarms raised by the tag’s outstanding values by clicking the Load alarms button. Alarms are presented with horizontal lines.

      In this example, the orange alarm above is a long alarm active for days, and narrowing zoom shows the details of a short alarm.

    • OPC – UA Subscriptions (require DIAP software upgrade). It is possible to subscribe to data changes on the OPC - UA protocol instead of pulling data on the regular sampling interval, which is a more performant way of interacting with the OPC – UA Server. The graphs on the subscription tags are always continuous. No stops are generated as no sample rate is defined on the tag.

    • Several minor functional and visual changes, improvements, and tweaks

    Depending on the browser then it may be required for you to clear your cache in order to see the latest functionalities.

    If there are any questions to this update, then please contact support@dataintel.dk